What we do
We supply essential, up to date medical aid, pharmaceutical and surgical product and price data to the South African healthcare industry. Our offices are based in Durban and we supply services to healthcare practices, hospitals units and healthcare companies throughout South Africa and Namibia . We endeavour to maintain personal contact with all our clients.
Our history
Willem Oets, a general practitioner based in Amanzimtoti, founded Medprax in 1988 with the aim of creating an electronic price file to use in his own dispensary. He wanted to simplify the complicated process of keeping up to date with the latest codes, prices and rules imposed by medical aids for dispensing of medication. His data file was welcomed and implemented by all leading Practice Management systems in South Africa and has evolved over the years into a comprehensive drug database and also saw the addition of the Medical aid data file in 1991. Over the years we have eased the tasks of numerous health care groups and Health Funders.